If a contemporary physicist could calculate with the same genius and luck as Einstein...

... then the Higgs naturalness problem would have to capitulate in the face of the  proper quantum geometric model and at the same time the cosmological constant would have to offer its excuses for the fact that it does not weigh.
The blogger, waiting for the physical applications of a spectral geometric quantization scheme proposed by Chamseddine, Connes and Mukhanov celebrates today the 100th anniversary of the first two post Newtonian results of Einstein (precession of the perihelion of Mercury and the bending of light) inspired by the following quotation:
If I could calculate as quickly as you, then the electron would have to capitulate in the face of my equations and at the same time the hydrogen atom would have to offer its excuses for the fact that it does not radiate. 
Hilbert writes to Einstein on November 19, 1915 to congratulate him for having mastered the perihelion problem
