"Teasing" about neutron star mergers by 2017 Nobel physics winner Rainer Weiss

A nice way to celebrate the end of the "Fête de la science 2017" ... 

...We opened a new field in astronomy and astrophysics... Einstein's waves are interesting and the fact that you can directly detect them is important but the real payoff is gonna be in the future... it's already happened the payoff in some regards and more of will happen on october 16th I won't tell where it is but I can tell you there is more there... We've seen black holes which is already wonderful but we also expect to see the merger of neutron stars and that was the thing that gave the field a certain credibility when it was discovered that there are pairs of neutron stars in our galaxy and people stopped laughing at us when that was found out ... now the big question is how often does it happen that two neutron stars are smashing each other ...well ... I won't say anymore ... the thing is ... from that, people will learn if we have done it right... you'll learn much more than just from gravity ... you'll learn a lot about nuclear physics a lot of facts about equation of state of nuclear physics... how stiff is nuclear matter, you'll also learn probably how the heavy elements are made, all of this is reserved for the future...
Rainer Weiss (at 8:30 and 16:24), 2017 Nobel prize-winning physicist at a press conference at MIT on October the 3rd.  

Go to Baton Rouge, Lousiana ?

Upcoming conference :
IAU symposium on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics: Early Results from GW Searches and Electromagnetic Counterpart 16 – 19 oct. 2017 at Baton rouge
